Welcome to my website!

A little more about me
A few pictures of me with a few people I love!

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A few words on me...

I spent the first years of my elementary-level education at a French immersion public school, which taught me invaluable language acquisition skills that have remained with me today. In grade four, I switched to a small, intensely academic all girl's private school throughout the entirety of middle school before switching to Havergal, a larger and more interdisciplinary high school where I met some of my life long friends. Havergal is a university prep-focused high school, so I accredit it for getting me where I am today. 

I was born in Toronto, Ontario (the actual city, not outside the city) and have a younger sister who is in her second year at McGill. As a kid, my main interests were dance, badminton and tennis, although my parents encouraged me to try a wide variety of extracurricular activities to truly find something I felt passionate about. As I grew older, I soon discovered that what really made me happy was writing. In grade twelve, I took a creative writing course called "Writer's Craft" that I loved and solidified the career path I will hopefully one day succeed in

Interests, Activities, & Plans
For the past year, I have worked as a hostess at the Keg Restaurant and Steakhouse in Montreal, and this summer I interned at a small public relations office in downtown Toronto. Currently, I am on the events staff at the McGill athletics centre which is amazing because I get paid for a job that involves extremely little effort. 
 When I am not in school or working, I like traveling, writing, reading, media, art, movies, music, walking my dog, spending time with friends, dinners and barbeques with family. 
I also enjoy spending time with the friends that I've made at McGill. The majority of them aren't from Toronto and I'm graduating in May, so I try to find as many fun excursions/outdoor adventures to do with them as possible. 
  Upon the completion of my degree at McGill, I would like to take a year off in a country other than Canada and hopefully find a steady job that allows me to travel in neighbouring regions. At the moment, I have no clue where exactly it is that I want to go, but I would love to spend time in southern Europe, Japan, or even somewhere in South America as I have never been to that continent before. 
 My main professional objective is to join the dying breed of aspiring journalists everywhere! Despite the fact that this career path may not be easiest, writing is truly what I am passionate about and I believe if something drives you enough, it will ultimately lead you down the road to success. 

Other Interesting Things
My mother always believed in privileging my sister and I with travel opportunities moreso than material objects. As a result, I'm  well traveled in most countries in Europe and when I was sixteen I embarked on a two month long exchange to Australia. My mom also taught me from an early age that independence is one of the best virtues you could possess, so when I was 18 she sent me and my younger sister on a month-long backpacking trip throughout Europe. Those few weeks were some of the most incredible of my life and instilled in me a passion for traveling. As a result, I have a "travel bug", per say, and am always keen to find new and exciting countries and exotic locales.   

Favorite Places in Montreal
For great vegan food and even better smoothies, stop by the restaurant Aux Vivres on St Laurent.
For great movies that you will not see in your local megaplex, have a look at the Cinema du Parc. 

To see one of my favorite movies, run to your video store and rent The Fall.

And, for an interesting museum to visit during a rainy day in Montreal, visit the Musee des Beaux Arts.

Questions/comments/queries about my website are welcome at: [email protected]